
Conferences are for  ...

Selected Conferences Attended

  1. 98th Southeast Section of Mathematical Association of America. Modeling Immune-Mediated Activations and Interactions in Breast Cancer Progression, Cleveland, TN., March 2019
  2. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Stability and Time-Scale Analysis of Malaria Transmission in Human-Mosquito Population. Atlanta, GA, January 2017
  3. Joint Mathematics Meetings 2014, Baltimore, MD, January 2014.
  4. Joint Mathematics Meetings 2013, San Diego, January 2013.
  5. Mathematics Association of America, MATHFEST, August, Connecticut, 2013.
  6. Guidelines and Pedagogical Approaches for Effective Teaching of Statistics at 6-12 grades, 2 Workshops, North Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Minot, ND, 2013.
  7. Hollow Fiber Dialyzer: Blood and Bicarbonate Dialysate Flow Characteristics , Mathematical Association of America, MATHFEST 2012, Madison, WI, August 2012
  8. Modeling HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the Oil-Rich Niger-Delta in Nigeria, Minot State University, ND, April 2012.
  9. Mathematics in the Real World. NDMATYC Conference, Bismarck, North Dakota, October, 2012.
  10. The Role of Mathematical Modeling in Understanding and Controlling Diseases in Africa, Accra, Ghana, December 2011.
  11. Determinants of Binge-Drinking Behavior using Theory of Planned Behavior and External Factors such as Older Siblings and Parents, North Dakota, March 2011.
  12. The Culture of Ghana, College of Business, Minot State University, North Dakota, June 2011.
  13. North Central Section of Mathematics Association of America, St. Cloud, Minnesota, 2011.
  14. Forecasting Land Use: Do Simple Models Perform Better? Western Economic Association International 86th Conference, San Diego, June 2011.
  15. The role of Immune-Mediated Activation and Interaction in Breast Cancer, North Central section of MAA, Minneapolis, MN, May 2011.
  16. Mathematical Modeling as a Pedagogical tool for teaching High School Mathematics, North Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Jamestown, ND, March 2011.
  17. Effects of High School Mathematics on Post-Secondary Mathematics. NDMATYC Conference, Carrington, North Dakota, October, 2011.
  18. Incorporating History of Mathematics in the Classroom. NDCTM Conference, North Dakota, March 2011.
  19. Joint Mathematics Meetings 2011, New Orleans, January 2011.
  20. Joint Mathematics Meetings 2010, San Francisco, CA, January 2010.
  21. Mathematical Modeling of Solute Transfer during Hemodialysis, Mathematical Association of America, MathFest 2010, Pittsburgh, August 2010.
  22. Modeling Multiple Strategies for Controlling HIV Epidemic in South Africa, Minot State University, North Dakota, April 2010.
  23. What does Mathematics got to do with Real World Problems? Mathematical Science Club Seminar, Minot State University, North Dakota, March 2010.
  24. Joint Mathematics Meetings 2009, Washington, DC, January 2009.
  25. Mathematical Modeling of Love-Hate Relationship: Classic Romeo & Juliet, Mathematical Biology Seminar, University of Vermont, Vermont, January 2009.
  26. Developing the Biomedical Mathematics Career, Governor’s Institute in Mathematical Science, Vermont, summer 2008.
  27. Annual Meeting of The Society of Mathematical Biology, Toronto, Ontario, 2008.
  28. Annual Meeting of The Society of Mathematical Biology, San Jose, CA, 2007.
  29. Mathematics in Biology? Biomathematics Modeling for High Schools, Governor’s Institute of Vermont, Vermont, summer 2007.
  30. Introduction to Mathematical Modeling in Biology with ODEs, Vermont Mathematical Biology Seminar, Vermont, Fall 2006.