Selected Conferences Attended
- 98th Southeast Section of Mathematical Association of America. Modeling Immune-Mediated Activations and Interactions in Breast Cancer Progression, Cleveland, TN., March 2019
- Joint Mathematics Meetings, Stability and Time-Scale Analysis of Malaria Transmission in Human-Mosquito Population. Atlanta, GA, January 2017
- Joint Mathematics Meetings 2014, Baltimore, MD, January 2014.
- Joint Mathematics Meetings 2013, San Diego, January 2013.
- Mathematics Association of America, MATHFEST, August, Connecticut, 2013.
- Guidelines and Pedagogical Approaches for Effective Teaching of Statistics at 6-12 grades, 2 Workshops, North Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Minot, ND, 2013.
- Hollow Fiber Dialyzer: Blood and Bicarbonate Dialysate Flow Characteristics , Mathematical Association of America, MATHFEST 2012, Madison, WI, August 2012
- Modeling HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the Oil-Rich Niger-Delta in Nigeria, Minot State University, ND, April 2012.
- Mathematics in the Real World. NDMATYC Conference, Bismarck, North Dakota, October, 2012.
- The Role of Mathematical Modeling in Understanding and Controlling Diseases in Africa, Accra, Ghana, December 2011.
- Determinants of Binge-Drinking Behavior using Theory of Planned Behavior and External Factors such as Older Siblings and Parents, North Dakota, March 2011.
- The Culture of Ghana, College of Business, Minot State University, North Dakota, June 2011.
- North Central Section of Mathematics Association of America, St. Cloud, Minnesota, 2011.
- Forecasting Land Use: Do Simple Models Perform Better? Western Economic Association International 86th Conference, San Diego, June 2011.
- The role of Immune-Mediated Activation and Interaction in Breast Cancer, North Central section of MAA, Minneapolis, MN, May 2011.
- Mathematical Modeling as a Pedagogical tool for teaching High School Mathematics, North Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Jamestown, ND, March 2011.
- Effects of High School Mathematics on Post-Secondary Mathematics. NDMATYC Conference, Carrington, North Dakota, October, 2011.
- Incorporating History of Mathematics in the Classroom. NDCTM Conference, North Dakota, March 2011.
- Joint Mathematics Meetings 2011, New Orleans, January 2011.
- Joint Mathematics Meetings 2010, San Francisco, CA, January 2010.
- Mathematical Modeling of Solute Transfer during Hemodialysis, Mathematical Association of America, MathFest 2010, Pittsburgh, August 2010.
- Modeling Multiple Strategies for Controlling HIV Epidemic in South Africa, Minot State University, North Dakota, April 2010.
- What does Mathematics got to do with Real World Problems? Mathematical Science Club Seminar, Minot State University, North Dakota, March 2010.
- Joint Mathematics Meetings 2009, Washington, DC, January 2009.
- Mathematical Modeling of Love-Hate Relationship: Classic Romeo & Juliet, Mathematical Biology Seminar, University of Vermont, Vermont, January 2009.
- Developing the Biomedical Mathematics Career, Governor’s Institute in Mathematical Science, Vermont, summer 2008.
- Annual Meeting of The Society of Mathematical Biology, Toronto, Ontario, 2008.
- Annual Meeting of The Society of Mathematical Biology, San Jose, CA, 2007.
- Mathematics in Biology? Biomathematics Modeling for High Schools, Governor’s Institute of Vermont, Vermont, summer 2007.
- Introduction to Mathematical Modeling in Biology with ODEs, Vermont Mathematical Biology Seminar, Vermont, Fall 2006.